Monday, August 16, 2010

Khmer Music Lyrics Collection Blog

Alright, so despite the fact that i do not even have enough time for this blog, i had decided to create another blog "Khmer Music Lyrics Collection" Please just click and follow the link.

This blog is basically the collection of all Khmer oldies music during the period of 1960s ( I'm just not that a big fan of nowadays Cambodian music since they mostly not original) so there will be none of the current singer and songs. My apologies to all their fan. There still not many songs yet to be put in the blog since i do not have enough time, to written it, as you may know that i have to write the lyrics by Unicode and also research the original music and convert them before i could put in the blog, so this may required some time. You may also need a Khmer Unicode to read the blog so if you computer don't have one Please follow and set up from this link .
For more information please check out the about khlyric Page.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The worse Blogger Ever??

+What kind of blogger, you would considered as a bad blogger?? 
  - A blogger that took ages to update their blogs??
 - A blogger that never seem to even check up their blog to see what's happening there?? 
  - A blogger that doesn't seem to know how to make their blog known to the other??
  - Or a blogger that have a really bad writing skill?? and write thing that some time people can't understand??

Hmmm...I guess you could call a person a bad blogger, even if they just fall into any one of these thing! but what about me?? should i call myself a bad blogger? when i do not just fall into one of them I AM all of them!!!
I mean, not just that, it's probably took me 3 or 4 months to update my blog once and I'm rarely even come and see if there any comments of what so ever happen here, I also have a really bad writing skill with of course lots of wrong grammar and vocabulary used which you should probably notice already by now but the worse thing of all is that i especially hate writing and always end up not knowing what to write in my blog!! Seriously but is this a usual characteristic of a successful blogger?? Of course not, but what keep me continue blogging when knowing that i perhaps one of the worse blogger ever or there's a possibility that i might end up deleting this blog like all of other blogs i had! Cuz a blog is a place that i can share my feeling and my idea to the world and other people to see about me, even there may be not many people read it but I still can express my feeling out and hoping there might be somebody who might drop by and read a few things.

So This is my spirit that keep encourage me to keep on with my blogs, even there're time that i always being called "The Worse Blogger Ever".\(^__^)/

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Khmer New Year, The Year of the Tiger

Happy To all Cambodian, Who Live In the country and outside.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Upcoming Noval For Love Khmer (THE PIRATE)

Since the Current Novel I'm Posting is nearly finished, here is some preview for my upcoming strory. Novel Called Mey Chour Samut which mean The Pirate in English. As you may see the drawing cover is not good at all, no offend to the artist...however the story inside is one of my favorite. It remind me of one the quote "Don't Judge the Book by its Cover".
Coming soon In April After Soben Kmean Thgai BanhJob (Endless Dream)

Monday, March 22, 2010

My Precious Wii

Alright, I have a feeling that I gonna wear the same old dress for more different wedding i will attend, since i have used up the money for it on sth else. However i not regret at all, as i think this is totally worth sacrificed, cause now i got my own Wii....yep u heard it right a Nintendo Wii.

It is so cool and i deeply in love with it!! No offend to Xbox fan but for my opinion i think Wii is better cause when you play it, you would not just sit still with you eyes glues to the TV screen, you will move as some of the game required, plus there also some healthy game, such as Wii Fit, Wii sport and many more. It is true that the Wii Graphic is not as good or there not as many variety of games as Xbox or PS3 but you still can have lots of fun with it.

My Wii and Balance Board!! I Spend almost $400 for these...Damn it expensive in Cambodia..

Here is some of My Wii DVDs Collection :

There are more...But let's just Wrap it up here!! I think I gonna do some of Wii game review if I have time!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Novel Posting in

Despite the fact that I still have loaded of work coming my way...I had decided to add another one!! So from now on i will started to post novel in the LOVE KHMER ! As everyone should know I am a fan of Mao Samnang Novel For quiet sometime, in fact since i was in high school...and I had collected lots of her works, but i haven't been buying much lately cause i dont have enough time to read it or even go to buy it. However as i see that her many fan in LOVE KHMER I had decided to spent little bit of time everyday to shared with all of the fans there.

As you can see here is my Novel Collections

Another Big Box, Actually there more but I lost some of it!! :( 

Currently Posting Than Sour Sang Bab

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Internet Problem

So, for the last 10days, my internet connection was dead and went to hell!! I have tried every black magic to resurrected it back and i finally success!!!It's ALIVE!!!

Ok...Just kidding, it's not dead but i totally lost all the connection, i have a very limited among connect to the internet and for this i had to use my phone which cost me a lots. Maybe you wondering what happened?? well apparently, there's nothing wrong with the internet, but it's the phone line which needed for my internet to work.  So I've been calling them for over a week and they just send people today. As they've arrive, we found the problem, it's because of the wire have been under the rain and the heat from the sun and it's become like this:
So this is what have ruin my internet for over 10 days!! 
Anyway Everyone!! To sum up!! my internet is back now and also come along with me too!! XD

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year 2010......

.......2010........Hmmm.... time flied incredibly fast!!! Seem like yesterday we said Happy New Year 2009 but now......!Boys....Am I really glad that 2009 had passed! Apparently last year had been my tough year ever!! it's like my life is full of problems!! Even financially, Relationship, Health, Family, Study and Works.....Well there're some nice memories too....example, my 2 surprised birthday!! which my friends throw for me!! and all the fun time that i hung out with them!! However, let's just wish this year will be better and greater for me and for everybody. 2010, A new adventure begin!


P.S when everybody so happy countdown in groups hanging out!! I stuck at home for the 2 days of holiday!! everything seem so depress in the beginning but turn out not so bad later that weekend, we'll talk about it in the later post!!