Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sleep Over!

One day after Christmas, I've a friend sleep over at my place (My BFF of course Mary)!! How nice! it's the first sleep over i had and that i'll never forget!! we spent our day and night 2gether, online, pillow fight, eating and chatting all night!! plus also watch a horror movie too!!! ah....such a great memory!!! We also took lots of pictures too!! but here are just some:

i was online in facebook!! not really focus on the camera!!

ok!! Come back to camera!! haha

she refused to get up!! lolzzz

(Mary) A friend say she doesn't seem to have picture showing her teeth!! so.....^__^"

Pizza and lasagna for Brunch!!! doesn't look so good for some reason!!  :(


  1. oh yes!! love that..xxx such an unforgettable meomories.. The first time that we have soo much fun..and sleepover too..!! how cool is that?? unexpectable!! let say this could be my best christmas ever....xxx BFF love u!!

  2. yep unforgettable!! bit late for x'mas celebration but it still the best!! :P
