Sunday, February 28, 2010

Novel Posting in

Despite the fact that I still have loaded of work coming my way...I had decided to add another one!! So from now on i will started to post novel in the LOVE KHMER ! As everyone should know I am a fan of Mao Samnang Novel For quiet sometime, in fact since i was in high school...and I had collected lots of her works, but i haven't been buying much lately cause i dont have enough time to read it or even go to buy it. However as i see that her many fan in LOVE KHMER I had decided to spent little bit of time everyday to shared with all of the fans there.

As you can see here is my Novel Collections

Another Big Box, Actually there more but I lost some of it!! :( 

Currently Posting Than Sour Sang Bab

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Internet Problem

So, for the last 10days, my internet connection was dead and went to hell!! I have tried every black magic to resurrected it back and i finally success!!!It's ALIVE!!!

Ok...Just kidding, it's not dead but i totally lost all the connection, i have a very limited among connect to the internet and for this i had to use my phone which cost me a lots. Maybe you wondering what happened?? well apparently, there's nothing wrong with the internet, but it's the phone line which needed for my internet to work.  So I've been calling them for over a week and they just send people today. As they've arrive, we found the problem, it's because of the wire have been under the rain and the heat from the sun and it's become like this:
So this is what have ruin my internet for over 10 days!! 
Anyway Everyone!! To sum up!! my internet is back now and also come along with me too!! XD